1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction
STHC is a Smart IoT Gateway, aka iConnector, a main component in any IoT application. iConnector has a role to connect the real World's things like sensors, meters, machines...to server system for data logging, data analytics, monitoring & controls...iConnector support multiple Industrial Fieldbus like Modbus RTU, EthernetIP, Wireless sensor network...It connects to server system via LAN/WAN as Ethernet, WiFi or Cellular.
1.2 System architecture
1.3 System components
2. Application note
3. iConnector communication
3.1 Slave device communication
3.1.1. Modbus RTU Master
In this function, iConnector work as a Modbus Master. It can poll for data from and write data to external Modbus Slaves connected to it through RS485 physical protocol.
3.1.2. Wireless co-ordinator
Thanks to the wireless co-ordinator has been integrated in the iConnector, it is able to connect with any Daviteq Sub-GHz devices. By the Sub-Ghz technology from Texas Instruments, it is easy to establish multiple networks in same area without interference or channel conflict. One co-ordinator can handle maximum of 40 end nodes in its network. Prefer the link below to reach more detail information of this function
Long Range Wireless Co-ordinator WS433-CL manual
3.2 Host communication
The iConnector are designed to connect to Daviteq Platform, aka Vizuo Globiots. Vizuo Globiots is a web-based software application to remotely configure device, parameter, alarm and event. In addition, Vizuo displays current values, historical values of parameters as well as events, alarms. Values of parameter are stored on database of GLOBIOTS server.
In additional, iConnector is able to send data to any servers via common protocols such as HTTP, FTP, UDP/IP,...
Refer Section 10. How to connect device to Back-end/ Server to see more detail instruction.
4. Default Configuration
4.1. UDP Server
4.2. Modbus information
4.3. Main network
5. Battery/ Power Supply
iConnectors are powered via M12 Male connector. The power supply range is 7..48VDC, avg 200mA, peak 1.5A
Detail wiring instruction, please refer section 8. Installation and wiring.
6. What's in the Package?
7. Guide for Quick Test
7.1. Connecting the iConnector to the Daviteq Platform
Step 1: Configure the iConnector via iConfig software
- Get basic information
- Setup network information
Step 2: Read data of iConnector from Daviteq Platform
- Login to Vizuo Globiots
- Add device
- Add parameter (power supply)
- Add basic dashboard to show data
7.2. Read data of Wireless sensors from Globiots
Make sure the process in section 7.1 was completed successfully.
Step 1: Add Sub-GHz sensor to the iConnector
- Open software=> import template
- Install the batteries to the wireless sensor, then touch the sensor to the iConnector'antenna. If the iConnector sound "beep", it mean the paring process is successful.
Step 2: Read data from Daviteq Platform
- Create the parameter
- Create the modbus command
- Add the basic dashboard to show data
7.3. Read data of Modbus slave from Globiots
Make sure the process in section 7.1 was completed successfully.
Step 1: Establish the RS485 network among iConnector and modbus slaves
- wiring
- get modbus information of slave devices
Step 2: Read data from Daviteq Platform
- Create the parameter
- Create the modbus command
- Add the basic dashboard to show data
7.4. Modbus TCP/IP converter function
Step 1: Configure the iConnector via iConfig software
Ethernet tab
Modbus tab
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