Instructions for converting Daviteq Sigfox Exd-Pressure device to Daviteq LoraWAN Exd-Pressure device.

1. Prepare tools:

  • 1 pc x Screwdriver
  • 1 pc x 12” Wrench
  • 1 tube x Thread Lock Glue
  • 1 bottle x Cleaning alcohol
  • 1 pc x Cleaning cloth
  • 1 pc x Grinding tool
  • 1 pc x Heat gun

Figure 1.1: Tool list

2. Disassemble the Daviteq Sigfox Exd Pressure device:

  • Step 1: Unscrew the antenna by turning the antenna counter-clockwise and open the device housing cover by turning the upper housing cover counter-clockwise as a below figure.

2SWjxkHiLcBVNL9y4SX-21.jpgFigure 2.1: Unscrew the antenna and open the housing cover of Daviteq Sigfox Exd Pressure device.

  • Step 2: Grind the excess part inside the housing cover to fit with new LoraWAN main board by grinding tool.


Figure 2.2: Grind the excess part inside the housing cover.

  • Step 3: Remove the Sigfox mainboard by screwdriver. The position of 3 screws is marked as Figure 2.3.


Figure 2.3: Remove the Sigfox mainboard by screwdriver.

  • Step 4: Unscrew the antenna cable and cut out the 2 wires connecting the pressure sensor and Sigfox mainboard.


Figure 2.4: Unscrew the antenna cable and cut out the connecting the 2 wires.

  • Step 5: Heat up the connecting thread between the pressure sensor and housing by heat gun (recommended heat with temperature of 300 oC in 20-30 minutes) to melt the thread lock glue for easy disassembling. Then unscrew the sensor by turning counterclockwise using wrench.


Figure 2.5: Heat up the connecting thread.


Figure 2.6: Unscrew the sensor by turning counterclockwise using wrench.

  • Step 6: Peel off all labels on the housing of Sigfox device.
  • Step 7: Clean the housing and thread by alcohol and cloth.

27.pngFigure 2.7: Components of Daviteq Sigfox Exd Pressure device after disassembly.

3. Assemble the Daviteq LoraWAN Exd Pressure device:

Note: Only re-use housing, antenna for converting from Sigfox device to LoraWAN device. DON’T re-use the Sigfox mainboard and pressure sensor.

  • Step 1: Apply thread lock glue to the connection thread and screw the new pressure sensor to the housing by turn clockwise.

Warning: Do not use to too much glue as it will take too long to dry and leak to the mainboard. Recommend using 2-3 drops of glue.


Figure 3.1: Apply thread lock glue to the connection thread of sensor.

Figure 3.2: Screw the sensor to the housing by turning clockwise using wrench

  • Step 2: Select correct LoraWAN mainboard for the sensor in the step 1:
    - 10 bar new sensor will be installed with LoraWAN mainboard having item code on the main board label of WSLRWEX-PPS-10-01
    - 100 bar new sensor will be installed with LoraWAN mainboard having item code on the main board label of WSLRWEX-PPS-100-01
  • Step 3: Note out the serial number on the selected LoraWAN mainboard label for later usage in labelling step.
  • Step 4: Screw the antenna cable on the LoraWAN mainboard to antenna and plug socket of sensor cable to the socket on the LoraWan mainboard.

Warning: Arrange the wires neatly to avoid the wires being stuck.

dipmbrEgFIgY3AZPT9x-33.pngFigure 3.3: Screw the antenna cable and plug socket of sensor cable.

  • Step 5: Fix the LoraWan mainboard to the housing in the position as shown by screwdriver. The position of 2 screws is marked as Figure 3.4.


Figure 3.4: Position of 2 screws on to screw the LoraWan mainboard to the housing.

  • Step 6: Stick the sensor manual QRCode label inside the housing cover as Figure 3.5.


Figure 3.5: Position of the manual QRCode label inside the housing cover.

  • Step 7: Screw the housing cover and antenna. Make sure Oring is available on housing cover.

C1dxQ3Bm914YnjrSwcp-36.pngFigure 3.6: Screw the housing cover and antenna.

4. Stick labels on the housing of Daviteq LoraWAN Exd Pressure device:

There are 4 types of labels for the LoraWAN Exd Pressure device: 
1 x LoraWAN label,
1 x Device information label
1 x Magnet reed-switch label
1 x Manual QRCode of Daviteq LoraWAN Exd Pressure firmware3 device label 
And 4 types of label and LoraWAN mainboard in the package.

  • Step 1: Screw the housing cover tighty then stick the LoraWAN label vertically. The direction of the label as Figure 4.1.

37.pngFigure 4.1: Position and direction of the LoraWAN label on the housing cover.

  • Step 2: Stick the device information label at the position at Figure 4.2.

Note: Make sure the serial number on the label is the same as one on the main board label. The serial number on the mainboard label is noted out in step 3 of section “3. Assemble the Daviteq LoraWAN Exd Pressure device”

The the device information label is next to sensor mounting semi-circular hole.


Figure 4.2: Position and directon of the device information label on the housing

  • Step 3: Stick the magnet reed-switch label as position as Figure 4.3.


Figure 4.3: Position of the magnet reed-switch label on the housing

  • After completing labelling, the sensor will be as below figure 4.4.

Figure 4.4: Position of labels after labeling process is completed

5. Check operation of the LoraWAN device after converting

Please note that, log in is required to access the online manual of WSLRWEX-PPS firmware 3. The user needs to visit to register the user for accessing the online manual.